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Disgruntled parents storm Education Ministry over SHS placement

 Some unsatisfied parents have besieged the premises of the Ministry of Education over the placement of their ward into senior high school.

According to some parents, their wards who came out with good grades were not given schools of their choice making it a challenging situation for them to accept the schools given.

Speaking in an interview with John Boateng said " my son got aggregate ten, he choose four schools from group A to D, what I know is when a student comes out with a good grade he is given his first choice but they placed him at his third choice. My son says he doesn't like the school so I'm here to change it".

Anthony Danso, a student, was there with his parents to appeal to the authorities to place him at his first choice with aggregate 8.

"I had aggregate eight and I was given my fourth choice, this I think is unfair, even if I didn't get my first choice which is Mfantsipim Senior High School they should have given me my second choice instead of my fourth choice, Abetifi senior high school, I want them to change because I studied hard to get my first choice."

Some parent were also seeking placement of their wards after the continued inability to access the placement website.

"My child had aggregate 21 and we are unable to access the internet to check her placement when we got here(MoE)we were given an internet access form yet we are unable to access the site. Senior High Schools have already given a deadline for students to report and we don't have an idea where our wards are being placed," he added.

They called on government to fasten the placement process to ensure that their wards do not go through challenges that will hinder them from going to Senior High School.

Published by GWS Online GH : 2017-09-06

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