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- Click on My NSS Pincode under the Applications menu.
You will see a page with interface like this:
- Put in your School Index Number or School ID Number to retrive your NSS PIN Code
Go to any Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) to pay your registration fee
On the NSS Website (
Go to APPLICATION tab, a drop down menu will appear, click on ENROLL
You will see a page with interface like this:
Use a standard passport picture when uploading your photo, the size of the passport picture should be less than or equal to 1mb (3.5 x 4.5 cm dimension is recommended but not mandatory)
- Click on New Enrollment
- Click on the PIN tab and enter your PIN Number and your School Index Number
- Make sure the PIN Number you have entered is CORRECT and then click on GET ENROLLMENT FORM
- When access is gained, the form comes with your name, the institution attended and course pursued already inserted.
- Please ensure that all tab-spaces are correctly filled to avoid the form being rejected
- All tab spaces on the form, where triangles are seen, are pull-down menu. (You have a list to select from)
- If you are Working and Schooling, fill the appropriate field and send copies of letters granting you study leave to the NSS Headquarters via fax :03221-769074/772714 or to the nearest NSS office.
- Scan your passport picture in JPEG format (size not to be more than 1mb but can be less), then browse for the location where this picture has been saved to select the picture
- After completing the form, you then submit the form by clicking on SUBMIT.
- After submission, the sytem then generates an NSS number which would appear on top left hand of the enrollment form. e.g. NSSGUG123409
- You then go back to the first window, but this time click on QUERY ENROLLMENT tab and enter the NSS NUMBER which the system generated for you and your School Index Number.
- Click on GET ENROLLMENT FORM tab, when this is done, your form appears with the picture on it which should be printed and kept as a copy.
- The NSS NUMBER generated is the number you will use to get your posting information and not the PIN NUMBER you used for registration.
- Do not add NSS to the back of your PIN NUMBER and consider it to be your NSS number.
On the NSS Website (
Go to DEPLOYMENT tab, a drop down menu will appear, click on CHECK POSTING
You will see a page with interface like this:
- Enter your NSS NUMBER to access your posting
- Click on SUBMIT and patiently wait for the result
- Your posting information will appear
- Click on the POSTING LETTER tab to display the posting letter
- You then print two (2) copies of your posting information and your posting letters
- Your Posting letters and posting information printed are to be taken to the Regional Director in the region of your posting for endorsement
A copy of your appointment letter is kept by the region and that of the establishment you have been posted to, after it has been sent to them for endorsement as having assumed duty, a copy is kept by the establishment whilst the second copy is sent to the Regional Director by the service person.
My NSS PIN Code Checker - Click Here To Check Your Pincode
The National Service Scheme ongoing enrollment by prospective National Service Personnel to undertake their service obligations for the 2025/2026 National Service Year.
It is only when prospective National Service Personnel enroll in a timely manner, that the Management of the Scheme will be able to ensure that deployed and placement information of personnel are released early to achieve the objectives of the Scheme's new posting calendar.
The statement therefore urges all prospective National Service Personnel who are yet to enroll to do so immediately to avoid being locked out of the national service program this year.
Estimated deadline for first batch registration is around early May.
Estimated deadline for second batch registration is around August ending.
For more info contact
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +233-302-772714
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