Starting March 13 - Ending April 13 Expired
Welcome to the university health services of the University of Ghana. This information sheet will help you complete your student medical examination (SME) form, and explain the process and findings.
The purpose of this exercise is to identify some common conditions that can affect your academic work. The exercise involves 3 parts
Ø The first stage involves completing the form and taking a chest x-ray at the main hospital.
Ø The 2nd and 3rd stages will be over 2 days and will take place in the SRC building.
Ø The 2nd stage involves blood and urine tests, eye testing, BMI calculation, and blood pressure check. After this there will be a physical examination by a medical officer of the University Health Services.
Ø The 3rd and final stage involves the physical examination where the medical officer will complete your SME form and endorse it.
During the physical examination, the doctor will listen to your heart sounds and your breathing on your chest. Then look at and feel your abdomen for any abnormalities. The MO will also inspect all your laboratory results and chest x-ray for any signs of illness.
Click here to Complete the Form
Download the information sheet below to help you understand some of the findings of the exercise. While BMI, BP and HB can change, sickling and blood group do not and therefore you should keep your status in mind.
Information Sheet for Students