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Pig Feet Stew Recipe

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Information on Pig Feet Stew Recipe. Other topics of interest include: Benne Cakes Recipe, Banana PEANUT CAKE Recipe, Shrimp Kebabs Recipe, Traditional Fried Fish Recipe, Shoko - Beef And Spinach Stew Recipe. Use the search box above to search for more.


1. 6 precooked pig's feet, or 6 Pork

2. 1 cup water or stock from pig's chops feet

3. 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

4. 1 green pepper, chopped

5. 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger

6. 2 ripe tomatoes, peeled and crushed

7. 1/2 teaspoon tenderizer

8. 2 tablespoons lemon juice

9. 1/2 teaspoon salt

10. 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

11. 1/2 teaspoon pepper

12. 1 bay leaf


Prick meat with fork, add first 6 ingredients and water or stock from

pig's feet, and cook for 30 minutes, covered. Add remaining

ingredients and continue cooking slowly until water from gravy dries

up and meat is tender. Add more water when necessary.

Serve hot. Serves 4 to 6 Cooking time: 45 minutes

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Page Last Updated On Sunday, 19 January 2025.