There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 shall be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
Paper 1 will consist of 50 multiple-choice objective questions all which are to be answered in 1 hour for 25 marks.
Paper 2 will consist of five essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer any three in 1 hour for 30 marks.
Paper 3 will test actual practical skills of school candidates and knowledge of practical work for private candidates. It will consist of three questions to be answered in 2 hours for 45 marks
1. A computer is best defined as a/an
A. machine that is capable of carrying out enormous task.
B. machine that performs routine calculations.
C. electronic device that processes data.
D. electronic device that has monitor.
2. Which of the following are constituents of a computer system?
A. Input and output units
B. Hardware and software
C. Softcopy and hardcopy
D. Data and information
3. The acronym CPU stands for
A. Central Programming Unit.
B. Central Processing Unit.
C. Computer Processing Unit.
D. Computer Programming Unit.
4. Which of the following is not a method of creating information?
A. Information gathering
B. Information analysis
C. Information theory
D. Information processing
5. Which of the following is a transducer?
A. Editor
B. Linux
C. Compiler
D. MS Windows
1.(a)(i) Define an integrated package.
(ii) Give two examples of an integrated package.
(b)(i) Explain the term word processing program.
(ii) State four steps employed in saving a new document in MS-Word.
(c) State the column and row numbers of a spreadsheet cell as addressed as BB25?
(d) Explain the following terms as used in MS-ACCESS:
(i) table;
(ii) record;
(iii) field.
(e) List two examples of a
(i) presentation package;
(ii) graphic package.
2. Using BASIC programming language,
(a) compute the square root of numbers from 10 to 50 step 5;
(b) if X = a + b +
, write BASIC statements demonstrating the following in-built
(i) ABS (X);
(ii) SQR (X);
(iii) COS (X);
(iv) EXP (X);
(v) V = SQR (X) + COS (X) + EXP (X) – ABS (X).